Notice: Undefined index: mkongregate in M:\xampp\htdocs\\cuweb\game\anmeldung.php on line 5
Confrontation Unlimited

Please complete the following fields to register to Confrontation Unlimited.

Notice: Undefined index: mkongregate in M:\xampp\htdocs\\cuweb\game\anmeldung.php on line 125
your desired login:
once again for validation:
your first name:
your last name:
icq [optional]:
(the name of your empire in Confrontation Unlimited):
(the name of yourself in Confrontation Unlimited):

Now it's time to design your emblem. Your units, buildings and messages to the other players will be indentified by this emblem. The emblem consists of four layers, your playercolor, two pictures and a text on top.

Select your color

(It will be the backgroundcolor of your emblem and your units and buildings will have this color):
Preview of your emblem.

Basic emblem:

Second layer:

